
shes been gone for too long because she...

(in ref to prev post)

1.needed to have multiple back surgeris to be more flexible similar to how marilyn manson got his rib removed. wink wink, ew

2.needed to find a really talented filmer who figured out how to do clips at lightspeed seconds to make her arms look like their flying off when really shes going slower than andrea botchelli

3.because she was making some seriously moving. touching. lyrics to this new single

4.because she was trying to find the flyest belt on the block. not.

5.because i can dance like her to a T

6.because I am crying right now in utter jealous green envy and actually love this beet

7. i love this bitz

Sorry all, just in a derpresso mood right now because yup, back in the fancy super fun visually stimulating peg. Blarft.
This shall last a good 2 months n a half so good thing I got my bed, a cool new hat, skype, Seinfeld, and beer.

Vancouver is so fun. So beautiful. I like mountains and rich smart outdoorsy folk.

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