
holy F*CK

what the fuckin' fack ma?
I haven't blogged since June 26th?!
Who am I Lindsanity fucking Lohan?
Have I been confined in a 4x4 foot box?
Did I accidentally get pregnant and have a vampire monster baby super fast?
Did I possibly break all of my fingers in a drum circle with Gary Busey?
Did Chelsea lock me underneath her food pantry and where she only fed me candy corn
through a tiny hole that only fit a slurpee sized straw that she would shove
the candy corn in?

Actually I've just been icing bro's.

No I actually just got super bored of the Internet. Sew bored that I even
forgot to pay for our lovely blog and it was then bought by a guy named
Dewy. Well Dewy... fuck you. This means war.

But I really don't have anything to say at the moment.